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Business Case Study

Business Case Study

Office Furniture Self-Storage for a Nationwide Solicitor

Many businesses look for cost-effective solutions to clear their office space. A cluttered office creates stress on employees and only continues to increase over the years. Most organisations have old IT equipment, office furniture, event stands, pull up banners, merchandise, documents and objects lying around that don’t get used often.

A nationwide solicitor with a head office in Nottingham, had many items stored around the office that only got used very occasionally, which had become increasingly inconvenient and cluttered their space. They didn’t want to throw the items away which led them to a self-storage option as it frees up space in the office and enables them to keep using the items as and when they required.

How Loft Self Storage helped

Large organisations with more than one office naturally store a large number of items. Some of the items are not used regularly and take up space in the office. Our client stored their unused computers, old furniture, event equipment and merchandise, which are items that can easily be stored off-site to declutter the office and make more room for staff and new offices.

The firm contacted our team outlining their requirements and we provided the best solution for their needs. They booked a collection time and one of our DBS trained drivers collected all the items from their head office and loaded the van. Our client was notified once their items had arrived safely at their storage container with details about their unit so they can come and retrieve items when they needed. An itinerary of the items they have stored has been made so that they can’t forget what is in their unit, making it easy for them to request individual items back. When the firm has a big event coming up, they simply pick up their event equipment needed or use our mobile service where Loft Self Storage find and deliver the items they need to an address requested.

The Benefits of using Loft Self-Storage for storing office furniture

Our secure, clean and dry self-storage containers are the ideal place to store unused items that can be easily collected when needed. We offer a mobile van service so their items can be collected and retrieved easily. Accessibility is very important as they may need to retrieve their items quickly for an upcoming event or if they require a new computer or desk for an employee.

Just like any large organisation, the firm also requires archiving their confidential documents. Under the GDPR act they are required to store documents for six years before they can confidentially destroy them. Our partnering company Shredall SDS Group store their documents in their secure depot, working together we ensure their items and data are kept safe.

“We have worked with Loft Self-Storage sister company Shredall SDS Group for years and we were delighted to hear that they were branching out into self-storage. The customer service at Loft Self-Storage is second to none and we can trust that our items are kept safe. It has been a relief to remove some of the items that were lying around the office and create space for a more productive working environment.”